Review Highlights

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"5 ��A disc not to be missed!�

� Lionel Salter: Gramophone, July 1999 (awarded �Editor�s Choice�)

"5��le jeune chef am�ricain Mark Stringer donne un nouvel �clairage � ces pages que l�on aimerait bien entendre ex�cut�es en concert .

��the young American conductor Mark Stringer gives us a new illumination into these pages which one would love to hear executed in concert.�

� Bruno Berenguer: Diapason, March 1999

"5��Apr�s la r�cente r�apparition sur le march�des enregistrements mythiques par Markevitch en 1960 de la musique de Lili Boulanger�nous parvient ce mois le travail remarquable de Mark Stringer avec les forces du Philharmonique du Luxembourg, dans un programme forc�ment comparable.

�Stringer nous m�nage pour nous d�voiler le c�t� mystique, surnaturel de cette musique. Du coup, on gagne quelques effets de couleurs r�ellement exceptionnels, des soul�vements in�dits et r�gl�s au cordeau. Grand coloriste, Stringer nous plange dans un monde de mati�res luxuriantes parfaitement compos�es et amen�es. Sa direction du ch�ur est une le�on d�ampleur et de delicatesse, parvenant partout � soutenir et porter les voix vers leur paroxysme d�expressivit�. Superbe manifeste d�un vrai grand chef. �

"5��After the recent reappearance on the market�of the mythical recordings by Markevich in 1960 of the music of the music of Lili Boulanger�we see arriving this month the remarkable work of Mark Stringer with the forces of the Philharmonic of Luxembourg, in a program strongly comparable.

��Stringer manages to reveal to us the mystical, supernatural aspect of this music. From the start one is won over by certain truly exceptional effects of colour, of breakthroughs novel and tightly controlled. A great colorist, Stringer plunges us into a world of luxurious materials perfectly composed and cleverly introduced. His direction of the choir is a lesson in breadth and delicacy, succeeding especially in sustaining and carrying the voices through their paroxysms of expression�. A superb manifestation of a truly great conductor.

� Laurent Campellone: R�pertoire No. 123, April 1999

��American conductor Mark Stringer�leads expressive and sympathetic performances.�

� Walter Simmons: Fanfare September/October 1999

��Mark Stringer has her measure, and conducts urgently and eloquently.�

� Michael Oliver: Classic CD June 1999

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