Review Highlights

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��[Ces pi�ces] devient sous la baguette experte de Mark Stringer une caresse sensuelle imp�tueuse, avec des cordes incandescentes qui br�lent d�un d�sir secret. �

��[These pieces] under the expert baton of Mark Stringer are turned into a sensual, impetuous caress, with incandescent strings which scream with a secret desire.�

� �tienne M�ller: Concerto Net, 11 August 2002

�� all are extremely well performed by Mark Stringer and his Luxembourg forces�.Don�t miss it!


� David Hurwitz: Classics Today (2002)

��il faut surtout reconna�tre que la vigueur de la direction de Mark Stringer restitue � l�Hymne � la justice son v�ritable caract�re: cette v�h�mence, ce cri jet� � la face de la soci�t�. La clart� n�est pas la moindre qualit� du chef, qui sait mettre en valeur les th�mes, leurs couleurs, leur progression. Il �claire le chemine int�rieur propre � la musique de Magnard�.Un programme coh�rent, un chef inspir�, un excellent orchestre: va-t-on enfin reconna�tre le g�nie de Magnard? �

��One must above all recognize how the vigor of Mark Stringer�s conducting restores to the Hymn of Justice its true character: this vehemence, this scream thrown in the face of society. Such clarity is not the least quality of the conductor, who knows how to enhance the themes with their colours and progression. He illuminates the interior course proper to the music of Magnard�A coherent program, an inspired conductor, an excellent orchestra: has the time come finally to recognize the genius of Magnard?�

� Jean Roy: Le Monde de la Musique no. 266, June 2002

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